4 mai 2024 – Opéra de Massy
David Stern, embracing the multiple aspects of this score with vigor and
and dynamism (...) , delivers a most appealing Hercules, restoring this tragedy to its rightful place in Handel's oeuvre.
Concert des 20 ans d’Opera Fuoco
9 Avril 2024 – Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
“An audience of friends, devotees and lovers of unvarnished music-making celebrated this delightful artistic line-up, composed and performed with both debonair grace and lively exaltation (...) All (the soloists) joyful, grateful to the master craftsman for the passion and rigor with which he has guided them all these years. Gathered together in a dazzling finale, aptly chosen from the final scene of Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro: a playful and profoundly human moment that transcended the eras (…) A moment of supreme musical truth.”
On peut affirmer que depuis sa création, Opera Fuoco a déjà offert à plusieurs générations de chanteurs des débuts sur scène, qui dans de nombreux cas ont marqué le début de leur brillante carrière artistique. (...)
ous ne pouvons que souhaiter bonne chance à ces chanteurs enthousiastes et pleins d’espoir dans le développement de leur carrière judicieusement menée.
The musicians accompanied the wonderful soloists with inspiration and delicacy, giving the audience a real treat. Each vocal number ended in thunderous applause!(...) The bows of the 16 singers and 39 orchestra musicians conducted by David Stern were a joyous moment reuniting all participants in this gala concert so enthusiastically received by the audience. In the celebrated Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, the magical association of lyric art, the artists’ talent and youth was rightly crowned by a grandiose triumph. Bravo!
Opera Fuoco, vibrant young artist program with period-instrument ensemble which, under the guidance of David Stern, has been pursuing a thriving trajectory since 2003 ...
L’amor conjugale, Giovanni Simone Mayr
April 2021 - Recording at the Opéra de Massy
On April 24, at the Massy Opera house, David Stern leaves nothing to chance - he will not stop until he gets what he wants, but does so without stress and without disturbing the good mood. [...] He is indeed passionate about this score and about his extremely capable troupe made up of with remarkable soloists.
[…] David Stern sait constituer une distribution. Chantal Santon Jeffery incarne Zeliska, parfaite de souplesse et de délié dans les vocalises. La soprano française est manifestement chez elle dans ce répertoire préromantique. Le jeu
The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart
August 2020 – Festival La Grange aux Pianos, Chassignolles
[…] This troupe of young singers, all performing these roles for the first time, charms with their spirit of camaraderie and their earnest commitment.
Serse, Handel
September 2020 – Open dress rehearsal in Levallois prior to Opera Fuoco’s China tour (Beijing, Shenzhen, Nanjing)
Opera Fuoco has once again shown the ambition and extraordinary talent of its young recruits. [...] David Stern's singers were present during every moment of this brilliant performance of Serse destined for a Chinese public - enough to render the French listeners jealous... We can only wish then "bon voyage" and wait for new productions of Opera Fuoco and David Stern, who we know will not hesitate to break the boundaries of traditional repertoire.
The B-minor Mass, J-S Bach
Juin 2019 – BachFest Leipzig
A brilliant B minor Mass [...] eloquently and elegantly delivered.
Die Stumme Serenade, Korngold
May 2019 – Salle Ravel, Levallois - French premiere
[...] The style and harmonies of Hollywood's lyric and symphonic composer are revealed in this refined orchestration for ten musicians, remarkably interpreted by the Opera Fuoco orchestra under the fiery baton of its founder David Stern.
[...] It would be a shame to let this unique gem go unnoticed and for such a remarkable undertaking (in fact the French premiere of a largely ignored work) to be so short-lived.
Idomeneo, Mozart
October 2018 – Salle Ravel, Levallois
David Stern inspires the singers with all the necessary impulses, through constant attention to breathing and balance. He keeps the tension of the drama, thanks to the vigor and honed palette he unleashes from his chamber-size orchestra...
With vocal revelations of such a high level, one has to say that Opera Fuoco has surpassed its expectations.
Der Schauspieldirektor, Mozart/Prima la Musica, Salieri
March 2018 – Salle Ravel, Levallois
“Hopefully this delicious and unpretentious production will see more revivals.
Richard Löwenherz (Richardus), Telemann
Mars 2018 – Théâtre de Magdeburg
David Stern did a superb stylistic job with the modern orchestra, to which he knows how to give a palpitating sense of phrasing and spirit of dance, without compromising the roundness and beauty of the sound.
Distant Beloved
September 2017, Beethovenfest Bonn
The Parisian period-Instrument ensemble Opera Fuoco, under its founder and conductor David Stern, engaged the public in a musically riveting rendition of the fate of three ladies (Velleda, Neris and Marguerite) that did not allow for a moment of ennui. The ensemble's name Fuoco/Fire is veritably its credo. The orchestra, with excellent instrumental soloists is as comfortable with the secco attack as it is with a seductive soundscape.