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Join our Friends Circle

Opera Fuoco is grateful for the generous support of its Friends Circle. The Friends Circle helps to ensure all the company’s activities including concerts, masterclasses, operas and outreach programs. Pooling private donors, foundations and companies, the Circle allows Opera Fuoco to develop and maintain its growing Young Artist Program, to perform at the highest possible level in France as well as internationally and to reach the most diverse audience.

Your support will help reveal the most recent generation of young singers and it will offer you an insiders view of David Stern’s work with the young artists and Opera Fuoco’s productions.

Cliquez ici pour faire un don par Carte Bancaire ou via Paypal 

Or download the Inscription form


For all questions, please contact:
Clémentine Marin | +33 (0) 1 53 11 08 99

Upon receipt of your contribution, Opera Fuoco will send you a fiscal receipt to be included in your French tax declaration.

*Donations are 66% tax-deductible for private donors and 60% tax-deductible for companies

**International contributors who wish to declare their contribution in the US can donate via CAF America.

Our private partners

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
GRoW @ Annenberg is a philanthropic initiative led by Gregory Annenberg Weingarten, a Vice President and Director of the Annenberg Foundation. GRoW is dedicated to supporting humanitarian efforts across the globe, as well as innovative projects in health, education, the arts, civic and cultural life, and more.
Danny Kaye was an actor, singer and comedian. Sylvia Fine Kaye was a lyricist who took a direct role in managing her husband's career and wrote many of his songs for him, both in film and recordings. The Danny and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation is dedicated to supporting mainly artistic projects.
La Fondation Bettencourt Schueller s’applique à incarner la volonté d’une famille, animée par l’esprit d’entreprendre et la conscience de son rôle social, de révéler les talents et de les aider à aller plus loin. La Fondation Bettencourt Schueller soutien Opera Fuoco dans le cadre des ses activités culturelles et pédagogiques.

Our institutional partners

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Opera Fuoco est soutenu par la Région Ile-de-France, au titre de l’aide à la permanence artistique et culturelle.
Opera Fuoco est soutenu par la DRAC Ile-de-France, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, au titre de l’aide à la structuration
Opera Fuoco reçoit le soutien du Centre National de la musique
Opera Fuoco est membre de la ROF, Réunion des Opéras de France.
Opera Fuoco est membre junior de Opera Europa.
Opera Fuoco est membre de la Fédération des ensembles vocaux et instrumentaux spécialisés.
Opera Fuoco est membre de Profedim, Syndicat professionnel des Producteurs, Festivals, Ensembles, Diffuseurs Indépendants de Musique.
Opera Fuoco est compagnie partenaire de l'Opéra de Massy.