Masterclass & Encounter-concert - Endless pleasure - Handel Arias
Masterclass & Encounter-concert - Endless pleasure - Handel Arias
Of all Baroque composers, Georg Friedrich Handel wasthe most cosmopolitan. Born in Germany and movingto Italy in his twenties, he quickly established himself asone of the masters of Italian opera style, a reputationthat open the doors for him to move to England in 1720.When the disenchantment of the London publictruncated his operatic career in Italian, Handelmanaged to survive by re-inventing the Englishoratorio. He even created a long-lasting tradition withcomposers such as Arne, Smith and Boyce whofollowed him into the Victorian era.
The oratorio's success lies in Handel’s championing ofword-painting and his sensitivity to the Englishlanguage as a source of contrast and color. He is ascomfortable with Semele’s operatic lyricism as he iswith Jephtha’s gravitas. Unlocking the secrets tointerpreting Handel’s genius is essential for any operasinger. Opera Fuoco and David Stern propose anexploration of these great frescoes, where music andlanguage are adorned with Handel’s theatrical andsacred palette. For an in-depth look at the subtlenuances of English oratorios from the second half of the18th century, David Stern invites soprano RosemaryJoshua, whose incarnations of Handelian heroines inoratorio and opera are iconic.
David Stern - Artistic Direction
Rosemary Joshua – Artiste invitée
Iryna Kyshliaruk – Soprano
Solène Laurent – Mezzo-soprano
Guy Elliott – Tenor
Halidou Nombre - Baritone
Aymeric Biesemans - Baritone
Sybille Roth- Harpsichord